[Gnawing away the standards, crushing the boundaries, burning at the essence]

The Nafta Theater is an alternative independent theater founded in Kharkiv in 2018.

“Nafta” is an open cultural platform without a fixed cast, which invites artists from different disciplines who share common values to collaborate. “Nafta” is about openness, experiments, new forms and creative synergy. Our goal is to create a high-quality socially responsible artistic product that inspires society to change.
Our projects have not only an artistic but also an educational component and are always based on the values that are important to us: freedom, responsibility, human-centeredness, and mutual respect. In our activities, we work with the themes of postcolonialism, political consciousness and civic responsibility, inclusiveness, tolerance, and environmental awareness. 
Instead of the usual stories with a linear plot, we use topical issues and interactivity, instead of traditional drama theater techniques, we use rethinking, research, and risk. On stage, we strive to enter into a dialog with the audience, to reflect on our common experience and to encourage people to ask questions, feel and reflect. Through art and non-formal education, we raise the level of Ukrainian culture, counteract homophobia, sexism and other manifestations of discrimination in society.
Gnawing away the standards, crushing the boundaries, burning at the essence.