Individual Entrepreneur VUSYK ARTEM OLEKSANDROVYCH, acting on the basis of state registration of a business entity (date and registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Organizations: September 11, 2018, entry No. 2 480 000 0000 213563) (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider"), offers to review the provisions of this Privacy Policy to inform about the procedure for collecting, processing, using, and distributing personal data provided by data subjects.This Privacy Policy is an integral part of and an annex to the Public Offer Agreement for the sale of tickets to cultural and entertainment events.
I. CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATAIn accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", by filling out the registration form and/or purchasing an electronic ticket on the Service Provider's website (, you consent to the collection, processing, use, and distribution of your personal data in the manner prescribed by the Public Offer Agreement. No additional consent in any other form is required.
II. SCOPE OF PERSONAL DATAWhen registering on the website and filling out the registration form, you provide your personal data for processing, including your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender, contact phone number, and email address.The specified personal data is provided voluntarily and with the data subject's consent without any coercion. By providing your personal data on the website, you also confirm that you have reviewed the list of your rights as a personal data subject, as specified in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection." The list of rights is available at the following link: accepting the offer and entering into the Agreement, the Buyer may not withdraw consent to the collection, processing, and storage of their personal data, except in cases explicitly provided by the current legislation of Ukraine. III. PURPOSE OF COLLECTING, STORING, AND USING PERSONAL DATAPersonal data refers to information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.The purpose of collecting personal data is to obtain information about individuals to properly fulfill the Service Provider's obligations regarding:booking and selling electronic tickets for events;sending electronic tickets to the Buyer's email address;providing additional information about the date, time, and venue of the event for which the electronic ticket was purchased;informing individuals about upcoming events, promotions, and discounts, even if such were not ordered (purchased) by the Buyer;analyzing the operation of additional services to improve the website's performance.The period for using and storing personal data is indefinite or until the data is deleted by the individual in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.
IV. DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA (TRANSFER TO THIRD PARTIES)According to Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection," the dissemination of personal data involves actions to transfer information about an individual with the consent of the personal data subject.Disclosure of personal data without the data subject's consent or the consent of their authorized representative is permitted in cases defined by law, and only if it is necessary for national security, economic welfare, human rights, or conducting the All-Ukrainian Census.The Service Provider does not transfer or disclose personal data obtained on the website to third parties without the consent of the data subject, except as provided in the Public Offer Agreement. By accepting the Public Offer Agreement, the Buyer is deemed to have given consent to the dissemination of their personal data or the data of third parties they have provided.The Service Provider discloses personal data only in cases provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine and to third parties that provide technical support and auxiliary services for booking and purchasing electronic tickets on the website.
V. AMENDMENTS AND UPDATES TO THE PRIVACY POLICYThe Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. All changes and their respective dates will be specified in this Privacy Policy and published on the Service Provider's website.