I. GENERAL PROVISIONS1.1. DefinitionsCultural Event – an event or activity aimed at enhancing the cultural level and education of society, including but not limited to theatrical performances, music concerts, lectures, film screenings, art exhibitions, literary evenings, and other cultural and/or educational events.NAFTA Theatre – an independent alternative theatre in Kharkiv whose mission is to promote culture, education, and Ukrainian theatre, foster the development of civil society in Ukraine, implement its core values, and popularize theatre and culture.Spectator – an individual who has legally purchased a ticket for a specific cultural event and has arrived at the venue on the date and time indicated on the ticket.
II. START OF THE CULTURAL EVENT2.1. Event TimingEach cultural event is scheduled for a specific date and time, as indicated on the ticket. It is recommended that spectators arrive at the venue at least 5 minutes before the event begins. However, taking into consideration possible unforeseen circumstances, a delay of up to 10 minutes is allowed. In such cases, the NAFTA Theatre team reserves the right to seat the latecomer in a seat closer to the entrance to minimize disruption to other spectators who arrived on time. Furthermore, in the event of full seating occupancy, the latecomer may be offered the opportunity to watch the event without a designated seat (standing).2.2. Dress CodeThe dress code for cultural events at the NAFTA Theatre is casual, at the discretion and comfort of the spectator.2.3. Age RestrictionsThe NAFTA Theatre team kindly asks spectators to pay attention to the age restrictions for certain cultural events (this information is indicated on posters, the official website, and tickets). The specified age restrictions ensure the suitability of the event for the spectator and any accompanying persons.Upon entry to the venue where an age-restricted cultural event is held, if there are doubts about the spectator’s age, the Theatre team may request a valid ID for age verification. If the spectator does not meet the age requirement and is not accompanied by an appropriate guardian, the Theatre reserves the right to deny access to the event.
III. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES DURING CULTURAL EVENTS3.1. Mobile DevicesTo avoid distracting actors, musicians, other performers, and the audience, the NAFTA Theatre team and administration strongly recommend setting all mobile phones and other devices to "silent mode" during cultural events.3.2. Food and BeveragesFor the comfort and respect of all spectators, it is prohibited to bring chips, candy, meat products, or any other items with strong odors or "noisy" packaging into the venue. Exceptions include coffee, tea, water, and other non-alcoholic beverages.3.3. PhotographyPhotography during cultural events is allowed and encouraged, provided that flash is not used. Posting photos on social media with a tag to NAFTA Theatre is welcomed.3.4. Video RecordingVideo recording is allowed for up to 15 seconds. Videos up to this length can be shared on social media with a tag to NAFTA Theatre. Recording videos longer than 15 seconds is prohibited. All cultural event materials (scripts, texts, musical works, etc.) are protected by copyright.3.5. On-Stage Photography and VideoPhotography or video recording of spectators on stage is only allowed with prior approval from the administrator.3.6. IntoxicationAttendance at cultural events under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances is strictly prohibited.3.7. Prohibited ActivitiesIt is forbidden to:Litter or throw objects (napkins, paper, wrappers, etc.);Use offensive language;Bring firearms, gas or cold weapons, special equipment, explosives, pyrotechnics, gas canisters, or pneumatic weapons into the venue.3.8. Violations of RulesIn the event of a violation of these rules, the NAFTA Theatre team and administration have the right to require the spectator to immediately stop the violation and leave the premises. If the spectator refuses, they may be escorted out of the theatre.3.9. Ticket RefundsSpectators who are denied entry or removed from the venue for violating these rules are not entitled to a ticket refund.
IV. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS4.1. Rights of the Theatre Team and Administration4.1.1. Event Rescheduling: The theatre has the right to change the date and time of cultural events with prior notice to spectators. However, the theatre will make every effort to ensure that events take place as scheduled at a high technical and artistic level.4.1.2. Cast Changes: The theatre reserves the right to change the cast without prior notice. Cast changes are not grounds for a ticket refund.4.1.3. Refusal of Entry: The theatre may refuse entry to individuals under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.4.1.4. Behavioral Warnings: The theatre team may issue warnings regarding inappropriate behavior and escort violators from the venue if necessary.4.1.5. Photography and Filming Permission: The theatre may grant permission for professional photo and video sessions involving spectators on stage.4.2. Obligations of the Theatre Team and Administration4.2.1. Notify spectators in advance about any changes in the date and time of cultural events.4.3. Rights of Spectators4.3.1. Receive information about the venue, date, time, and cast of the cultural event.4.4. Obligations of Spectators4.4.1. Familiarize themselves with the age restrictions for the cultural event they plan to attend.4.4.2. Comply with these rules while attending cultural events at NAFTA Theatre.4.4.3. Leave the venue promptly after the event ends.4.4.4. In case of an emergency, follow the instructions of the theatre team and administrator.
V. LIABILITY FOR VIOLATIONS5.1. Spectators who violate these rules may be removed from the venue without a ticket refund.5.2. Individuals who continue to violate the rules after receiving a warning will be asked to leave the venue voluntarily or escorted out if necessary.5.3. Any individual who causes damage to the theatre must fully compensate for the damages according to the applicable legislation.5.4. In the event of refusal to voluntarily compensate for the damages, the theatre reserves the right to seek reimbursement through legal proceedings.5.5. Spectators with questions, comments, or suggestions can contact the theatre team by writing to .moc.liamg%40tfen.ertaeht