Somebody Like Me
A performative-physical solo show about the journey of a bodiless creature through the bodies of others. Through movement and dance, it learns the experiences of those who face danger again and again.
Somebody Like Me
A performative-physical solo show about the journey of a bodiless creature through the bodies of others. Through movement and dance, it learns the experiences of those who face danger again and again.
Somebody Like Me
A performative-physical solo show about the journey of a bodiless creature through the bodies of others. Through movement and dance, it learns the experiences of those who face danger again and again.
Our activities are supported by the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EED. The information or views expressed in this material are the sole responsibility of the authors.
All rights Reserved
Our activities are supported by the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EED. The information or views expressed in this material are the sole responsibility of the authors.
All rights Reserved