Rainbow on Saltivka

A mono performance in the genre of musical surrealist tragicomedy.

Rainbow on Saltivka

A mono performance in the genre of musical surrealist tragicomedy.

Rainbow on Saltivka

A mono performance in the genre of musical surrealist tragicomedy.

"Rainbow on Saltivka" — a mono performance in the genre of musical surrealist tragicomedy.
The story is based on the autobiographical account of Artem Vusyk, who was born on Saltivka and lived there for his first 17 years. Artem plays all the roles himself — in some scenes, he simultaneously portrays both himself and three other characters. 
It’s a mix of specific "Nafta" humor and punk provocation, which Artem Vusyk loves so much. The performance is a concert where musicians play live original compositions. 
"Rainbow on Saltivka" is our attempt to bring rays of joy back to a place that is still healing from the wounds of war. At the same time, we rethink traditional notions and stereotypes about Saltivka. We try to feel the poetry of the district, which is considered rebellious. We also aim to see the individual landscape of this place amid endless apartment blocks. The wide sky, abundant greenery, and bright rainbows after a heavy summer rain — that’s how we remember Saltivka from our childhood. The war-damaged, blackened high-rise buildings — that’s how we first saw Saltivka in 2022.
Premiere — November 6, 2023
Duration — 1 hour
Awards: Les Kurbas Prize (2024)

For participants in military actions, entry is free. Write to us on social media or call to reserve your ticket, and don’t forget to bring your combatant ID.

Director, actor, and scriptwriter: Artem Vusyk
Composers and performers:
Guitar: Ivan Kondratov
Drums: Viktor Kondratov
Saxophone: Serhii Savenko/Yan-Vedaman

Sound engineer: Anton Begmenko
Lighting designer: Oleksandr Chyzh